Posts tagged disabled community
Yes, I'm disabled and still waiting for my COVID-19 vaccine.

In 1997, I was fighting to survive. A severe cold and asthma complications left me paralyzed with a collapsed lung. I spent eight months in the hospital and relied on a ventilator to breathe.

It was a frightening time for me and my family and a day doesn’t go by without me thinking of that ordeal.

More than 20 years later, I have adjusted to life as a person with a disability and the fear of being so close to death has subsided. But with the rise of COVID-19 and the current uncertainty of getting access to a vaccine, the possibility of me being hospitalized is a very real possibility.

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This is the word I will remember most from Biden’s victory speech

On Nov. 7, 2020, the world learned the news about Joe Biden becoming president-elect. Many people took to the streets across the country to celebrate after a long week of counting ballots and analyzing voter turnout.

As day turned to night Saturday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris addressed the nation and spoke about what the next four years in office would look like.

For those who watched, there were plenty of memorable moments. From Biden proclaiming his priority to unify the country, to Harris talking about her historic moment becoming the first woman to be elected Vice President.

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